Le Réseau PAMOJA figure en bonne place parmi les acteurs qui accompagnent l’éducation dans notre pays. Le Ministère de tutelle vient de l’attester en décernant un diplôme de reconnaissance à son comité de plaidoyer national et de communication. Un réel motif de fierté pour les membres dudit comité qui se bat pour la promotion de l’éducation.
Dans le cadre de la célébration de la Journée Internationale de l’Alphabétisation (JIA), édition 2024, des structures et organisations de la société civile œuvrant pour la promotion de l’éducation au Mali ont été primées. Parmi lesquelles figure PAMOJA-Mali, à travers, son Comité national de plaidoyer et de communication, engagé pour l’amélioration de la qualité de l’éducation dans notre pays via son Programme Régional d’Appui à la Qualité de l’Education en Afrique de l’Ouest (PRAQUE AO)
Ce programme met un accent particulier sur le plaidoyer pour une plus grande visibilité des offres de formation de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) Abdou Moumouni de Niamey et de l’Institut de Formation en Alphabétisation et l’Education Non Formelle (IFAENF). Et cela par la mise à échelle des innovations pédagogiques en Afrique de l’Ouest, plus particulièrement dans les cinq pays prioritaires de la DDC, que sont le Bénin, le Burkina-Faso, le Mali, le Niger et le Tchad.
Pour y parvenir, le PRAQUE-AO soutient des actions de plaidoyer qui permettent de décloisonner les systèmes éducatifs des pays concernés et aboutir à une éducation holistique de qualité pour tous en Afrique de l’Ouest. La stratégie de plaidoyer et de communication prend en compte les objectifs spécifiques que sont entre autres : organisation et renforcement du dialogue politique et du plaidoyer autour des offres de formation (Master et Formations Continues), intégration et financement des pratiques et innovations pédagogiques dans les systèmes éducatifs, accroissement de la visibilité sous régionale des offres de formation. La mise en place d’une communication efficace autour du programme, de ses objectifs, résultats, effets et impacts attendus et la contribution à l’amélioration de la qualité de l’éducation holistique, comprenant l’Alphabétisation et l’Education Non Formelle, au processus de développement durable dans les pays membres dudit programme, font également partis des objectifs ci-dessus énumérés.
A l’occasion de la célébration de la journée du 08 septembre dernier, dédiée à l’alphabétisation, le Ministre de l’Education nationale a décerné un diplôme de reconnaissance à PAMOJA. Cela en reconnaissance de son engagement et de ses efforts inlassables en faveur de l’alphabétisation et de la promotion des langues officielles au Mali. Motif de satisfaction pour Siaka Ballo, Président de PAMOJA-Mali et de son équipe dont les efforts sont reconnus par les autorités de l’éducation. Notons que le thème de l’édition 2024 est : « Promouvoir l’éducation multilingue : l’alphabétisation pour la compréhension mutuelle et la paix ». Un thème interpellateur à plus d’un titre dans la mesure où le multilinguisme convivial est une pratique qui a toujours existé au sein des différentes communautés.
La diversité linguistique n’a jamais été un obstacle ou une entrave dans l’entente entre les différentes ethnies et les peuples. Hassana Kanambaye / Afrikinfos-Mali
Last Updated on 27/09/2024 by Ousmane BALLO
“Yeah, dad, it’s me.” He shouts over the blistering rush of the shower spray as it pelts him hotly with force. “It was a rough practice.” “I managed to lift nearly two hundred today. I believe.” He explains. “But I strained a lot to do it. I was moaning. Groaning.”
His father loosens his grip on the full balls of his son as he stands. He can see the spurts of hair that dot the chest of his son. And he can see the heaving and gentle rise and fall of his son’s chest, as he breathes, as his excitement builds. “That you, son?” A voice chimes in from the hallway.
I was surprised He wasn’t angry. He said,” boy you wait here, I am going to the bathroom.” He closed the door. He must sit on the toilet with pants down because I heard him losing the belt but didn’t hear him peeing. After a while, he called my name,” get in here ass sniffing slut.” I opened the door and crawled to the side of daddy. Daddy was still sitting on the toilet. . Just when I was confused why he sat that and did nothing. He stood up and pulled his pants up. I did take a peep of daddy’s huge uncut Middle Eastern dick. Half hard like 7inches already. While he was doing that, he grabbed my hair pushed right into the toilet, and closed the lid. “ smell my ass from there boy when it is still fresh.” He paused and continued, “ Don’t move.” His father rakes the clear juice of his son’s leaking manhood over the boy’s tensed cockhead.
He reaches and lets his hand glide over his swelled cock. Tickling the head of his bulbous cock with his rough fingertips which sends electric sparks through him and down to his toes. His dad takes a seat upon the closed commode lid.
“My hard-on. Somewhat. But I have them all the time. You know that. You’ve made enough comments about me sportin’ boners in the morning when you see them at breakfast.” His father strokes his own cock in the shower, the dew from his cock mixes with the drops condensing on the glass.
“See this; see this. “His father says. “This is where power comes from.” “Let me get in there, Garrett.” His father says, as his son steps aside so he can get into the shower enclosure.
“I am fully grown now, Father.” He says in a heated rebuttal to his father’s words. “What are you now, son?”
I was surprised He wasn’t angry. He said,” boy you wait here, I am going to the bathroom.” He closed the door. He must sit on the toilet with pants down because I heard him losing the belt but didn’t hear him peeing. After a while, he called my name,” get in here ass sniffing slut.” I opened the door and crawled to the side of daddy. Daddy was still sitting on the toilet. . Just when I was confused why he sat that and did nothing. He stood up and pulled his pants up. I did take a peep of daddy’s huge uncut Middle Eastern dick. Half hard like 7inches already. While he was doing that, he grabbed my hair pushed right into the toilet, and closed the lid. “ smell my ass from there boy when it is still fresh.” He paused and continued, “ Don’t move.” That night, I did a whole spa routine to make sure my skin was soft and my ass was stretched and wet. I was wearing nothing but a jockstrap as I was told. Waiting by the door on fourth. My heartbeat was so fast as my mouth was dry. I heard the footstep approaching. I left the door unlocked as one of the instructions I was received from daddy. He stepped in with his size 10 Christian Loublitine loafer where my eyes were going up from there. When I made eye contact with daddy, daddy slapped me across the face and said, “Bad boy, Where the fuck are your sneakers as I told you to wear tonight.” I was trembling and said in a very low voice, “ sorry daddy I fooooorgot.”
“Yep. I’ve had one since I put on my gear at practice today.” He tells his dad. “You guys jerk off together, these days?” His dad asks, “Back when I was in high school me and several of my friends would jerk-off in our trucks in the parking lot. We were so horny we could barely sit in our seats. You ever do that Garrett?”
“Yeah, dad, it’s me.” He shouts over the blistering rush of the shower spray as it pelts him hotly with force. “It was a rough practice.” “What happened at today’s practice today that was so different from any other day, son?” His dad asks.
Garrett nods his head as he wraps the jock over his head, and takes a hearty breathe of the pouch placed over his nose. “Then show me, father. Show me what it means, TO BE A MAN?” He says with an excitement building in his voice.
Garrett can see what his father is doing, unconsciously his hands moves to his cock. He strokes the length of his tool with his left hand while he teases the blistering red crown with the fingertips of his right hand. The lightning of his cool fingertips sends sparks through every nerve in his body. “Then, what is this, father.” He says as he wrestles his cock in a fierce grip and squeezes it like he is fighting against a serpent unleashed from its coil.
“I’m am nearly 6 foot 2 inches tall, dad. I weigh 210 lbs. I think, dad. At least I was the last time we were weighed at football practice.” The son says. “Much bigger than you, I should say.” His father kicks the shoes from his feet and slides his khaki pants off, while still holding, the resistant nut-sac of his virile son in his right hand. He is now as naked as his 17-year-old son.
“Nope.” He says. Flatly. As he runs his hand over his still steely-hard length of his curved cock. “I am fully grown now, Father.” He says in a heated rebuttal to his father’s words.
“You guys jerk off together, these days?” His dad asks, “Back when I was in high school me and several of my friends would jerk-off in our trucks in the parking lot. We were so horny we could barely sit in our seats. You ever do that Garrett?” “See this; see this. “His father says. “This is where power comes from.”
“Yeah, dad, it’s me.” He shouts over the blistering rush of the shower spray as it pelts him hotly with force. “It was a rough practice.” “I knew ya couldn’t keep your hands off it.” His dad says. “Men can’t do it, we are drawn to our cocks, like a moth to a flame, and usually that burning sensation that a man feels is the cum boiling up in our balls. You know that feelin’ doncha son?”
His father’s words are what he hears when he erupts. His cum streaming like liquid threads from the pee-hole of his rigid cock. “Was it because of that?” His dad asks as he points a finger towards him. And his midsection.
“Yep. I’ve had one since I put on my gear at practice today.” He tells his dad. “Yeah, dad, it’s me.” He shouts over the blistering rush of the shower spray as it pelts him hotly with force. “It was a rough practice.”
“Yeah.” He answers his dad. “…and I was ‘going commando’ too.” His father rakes the clear juice of his son’s leaking manhood over the boy’s tensed cockhead.
He runs the towel through his curl-filled hair, and down over his chest, where the early signs of his manhood sprout like an uneven crop of hairs across his chest that run down to his furry-pillowed crotch. Where the throbbing from his hard-on springs back as the damp towel whips his erection back and forth with each swipe of the now dampened towel. He runs the towel through his curl-filled hair, and down over his chest, where the early signs of his manhood sprout like an uneven crop of hairs across his chest that run down to his furry-pillowed crotch. Where the throbbing from his hard-on springs back as the damp towel whips his erection back and forth with each swipe of the now dampened towel.
His father strokes his own cock in the shower, the dew from his cock mixes with the drops condensing on the glass. Garrett can see what his father is doing, unconsciously his hands moves to his cock. He strokes the length of his tool with his left hand while he teases the blistering red crown with the fingertips of his right hand. The lightning of his cool fingertips sends sparks through every nerve in his body.
His father’s words are what he hears when he erupts. His cum streaming like liquid threads from the pee-hole of his rigid cock. sex porn mom “I am fully grown now, Father.” He says in a heated rebuttal to his father’s words.
“I’m am nearly 6 foot 2 inches tall, dad. I weigh 210 lbs. I think, dad. At least I was the last time we were weighed at football practice.” The son says. “Much bigger than you, I should say.” filmy porno “You lettin’ the beard grow on your face, I see, son?” His father asks him, as his head bumps up under the chin of his towering son.
The sound of the shower echoes throughout the empty house. The bathroom door is open. He knows he has privacy. He is alone. No older brother. No father. Or mother. It is just him. [url=https://arturzasada.pl/]gej porno[/url] “Yeah.” He answers his dad. “…and I was ‘going commando’ too.”
“Dad! Dad!” His son says in a straining voice. “Release me?” [url=https://arturzasada.pl/]porno dla dzieci[/url] He looks down. And then smiles at his dad.
“That your jockstrap on the floor next to you, son?” His dad asks. [url=https://arturzasada.pl/]porn sex[/url] Garrett picks up the pee-stained and cum-leaked jock from the tile floor.
“Coach told us. To go beat off. Seeing all those tents in our shorts; he said we should have all been working out naked. Our shorts weren’t covering up, anything, as our cock’s periscoped out and over the elastic waistbands of our shorts.” He says to his dad as he steps from the shower. polskie porno Garrett thinks to himself; he did not wear a jock home from practice. He was ‘going commando.” Is it his older brother’s jock? “Oh, well. “He mumbles to himself as he takes another whiff of the musky scented pouch of the jock.
Exactly a week after, daddy texted me with a different tone saying, “ get your ass ready tonight cause daddy is coming to your place tonight.” He was usually really sweet and nice, I was shot when I got the message. But automatically I said, “ yes daddy!” I guess I am a slutty whore for him right at the beginning as I knew my place where is always going to be inferior. gej porno “I am fully grown now, Father.” He says in a heated rebuttal to his father’s words.
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Традиционная медицина представляет собой обширное наследие, включающее знания о лечении различных заболеваний с помощью природных средств. Эти методы передавались из поколения в поколение и до сих пор находят применение в современном мире. Травяные настои, настойки и компрессы продолжают использоваться для лечения множества заболеваний, от простуды до более серьезных хронических недугов.
Традиционная медицина представляет собой обширное наследие, включающее знания о лечении различных заболеваний с помощью природных средств. Эти методы передавались из поколения в поколение и до сих пор находят применение в современном мире. Травяные настои, настойки и компрессы продолжают использоваться для лечения множества заболеваний, от простуды до более серьезных хронических недугов.
Традиционная медицина представляет собой обширное наследие, включающее знания о лечении различных заболеваний с помощью природных средств. Эти методы передавались из поколения в поколение и до сих пор находят применение в современном мире. Травяные настои, настойки и компрессы продолжают использоваться для лечения множества заболеваний, от простуды до более серьезных хронических недугов.
Традиционная медицина представляет собой обширное наследие, включающее знания о лечении различных заболеваний с помощью природных средств. Эти методы передавались из поколения в поколение и до сих пор находят применение в современном мире. Травяные настои, настойки и компрессы продолжают использоваться для лечения множества заболеваний, от простуды до более серьезных хронических недугов.