Le Président du Togo, Faure Gnassingbé, a appelé mercredi soir à New York, le monde entier à porter « le fardeau » du terrorisme qui sévit en Afrique et particulièrement l’Afrique de l’Ouest depuis quelques décennies.
C’est à l’occasion du débat général de l’Assemblée annuelle des Nations unies ouvert mardi et qui permet aux dirigeants du monde entier de monter à la tribune, pour exprimer leur vision du monde d’aujourd’hui et celui à venir.
« Nous faisons face aux menaces persistantes du terrorisme. Selon moi, ce défi sécuritaire ne peut plus être le fardeau des seuls Africains en Afrique de l’Ouest », a déclaré Faure Gnassingbé soulignant un besoin d’action collective pour maintenir la paix sur le continent africain, qu’il appelle d’ailleurs « le continent de l’avenir ».
La réponse collective proposée par Faure Gnassingbé face à ce défi repose sur « une combinaison de dialogue inclusif, de réformes sécuritaires et d’initiatives de développement économique pour éradiquer les causes profondes de la violence ».
« Seule la coopération multilatérale est nécessaire pour faire face à cette menace collective », a-t-il soutenu, tout en invitant ses pairs à travailler à la revitalisation de la coopération internationale en la rendant « plus inclusive et plus respectueuse ».
Ce sujet était l’un des trois observations majeures que le chef de l’Etat togolais a souligné à la tribune des Nations unies mercredi soir pour « parvenir à un monde radieux » et pour « une Afrique qui joue pleinement son rôle dans le concert des Nations.
« Ma vision est celle d’une Afrique qui prend pleinement son rôle de partenaire stratégique dans la construction de nouvelles règles de régulation planétaire », a encore souligné Faure Gnassingbé.
« Ma deuxième observation, c’est que regarder vers l’avenir aujourd’hui, c’est regarder vers l’Afrique, notre continent n’est plus seulement une région en développement. C’est tout simplement le prochain moteur de la croissance mondiale », a-t-il précisé.
S’agissant du Togo, Faure Gnassingbé a fait observer, en troisième lieu, que son pays « regarde vers l’avenir avec espoir et détermination ».
« Au Togo, nous travaillons à un développement qui doit être durable mais aussi équitable et inclusif. Pour cela, nous savons qu’il nous faut bâtir un Etat fort, visionnaire et protecteur. Nous le faisons en tant que nation parce que c’est notre responsabilité envers les générations actuelles et futures », a-t-il dit, reconnaissant toutefois que, la concrétisation de cette vision, nécessite un investissement accru dans le système éducatif, sanitaire, la réduction de la fracture numérique et la promotion de la transition écologique et de l’équité-genre.
Source : aa.com.tr
Last Updated on 26/09/2024 by Ousmane BALLO
“Then, what is this, father.” He says as he wrestles his cock in a fierce grip and squeezes it like he is fighting against a serpent unleashed from its coil. I used my teeth to strip off daddy’s black sheer socks. I placed them in my mouth and washed them with my saliva. I swallowed every single sweat and stink from these socks. It takes so well. I rolled them into a ball and stuck them into my jockstrap where my small dick and balls were.
He does not say anything in response to his father as his cock continues pulsing and jumping as the blood engorges his youthful cock more. And more. The pre-cum leaks, like a babbling brook, from the boy’s erect and pulsing cock, depositing its tiny droplets of juice onto the arm-hairs of his proud father. His father squeezes the nuts of his son, tighter and tighter, releasing more of the youthful essence.
Exactly a week after, daddy texted me with a different tone saying, “ get your ass ready tonight cause daddy is coming to your place tonight.” He was usually really sweet and nice, I was shot when I got the message. But automatically I said, “ yes daddy!” I guess I am a slutty whore for him right at the beginning as I knew my place where is always going to be inferior. “What ya lifting now?” His dad asks as he fidgets on the commode seat. He can feel his hard-on growing in his pants.
His son bucks on the lid as he turns beet red from his carnal machinations. “Coach told us. To go beat off. Seeing all those tents in our shorts; he said we should have all been working out naked. Our shorts weren’t covering up, anything, as our cock’s periscoped out and over the elastic waistbands of our shorts.” He says to his dad as he steps from the shower.
He is unfazed by the presence of his dad despite his nakedness inside the hot spray of the shower. “Then, what is this, father.” He says as he wrestles his cock in a fierce grip and squeezes it like he is fighting against a serpent unleashed from its coil.
“What happened at today’s practice today that was so different from any other day, son?” His dad asks. Daddy gave me a look implying his shoes are needed to be removed. “Can I take off your loafers, daddy ?” I asked so quietly. He looked at me and nodded. I took off both his loafers and put them away neatly in front of me. Daddy then raised his right leg and stepped on my forehead, pushing me down into his loafers. It is a mixed smell with sweat, testosterone, and leather. I couldn’t help but take a big whiff every time I breathed. “Hands-on the floor” he commanded. He moved his feet from my head to my hands. “Kiss them and make the stink goes away using only your fag tongue.” “Yes sir.”
“Let me get in there, Garrett.” His father says, as his son steps aside so he can get into the shower enclosure. He gulps once as his dad mounts more pressure on his balls. Squeezing them.
His father loosens his grip on the full balls of his son as he stands. He can see the spurts of hair that dot the chest of his son. And he can see the heaving and gentle rise and fall of his son’s chest, as he breathes, as his excitement builds. Daddy was furious as I could hear his deep breath. He sat down on the bench by the door. I was looking down afraid he was going to kick my ass. He lifted my head from my chin using the tip of his loafer where I can smell that smelly sheer socks he has been worn all day. Just when our eyes met, a big stinky manly wad landed on my face. Then I felt a big rough hand rubbing the spit all over my face. I heard the daddy say, “ next time remember what I told you exactly, I don’t want this to happen again, you hear me? I paused and said, “ yeeee…”. Before I finished the sentence, another spit and a big slap on me. “ when I told you something you must say yes. There is no room for you to argue or think, understood?” He said in a deep and firm tone. “ yes sir”. Without missing a beep I said it. “good boy, your night is just about to start.”
He does not hear the slamming of the front door. Neither does he hear the footsteps on the wood floor in the hallway. The shower drowns away all this noise. “Yeah. Yessir. Dad.” Garrett mutters.
“What are you now, son?” Daddy gave me a look implying his shoes are needed to be removed. “Can I take off your loafers, daddy ?” I asked so quietly. He looked at me and nodded. I took off both his loafers and put them away neatly in front of me. Daddy then raised his right leg and stepped on my forehead, pushing me down into his loafers. It is a mixed smell with sweat, testosterone, and leather. I couldn’t help but take a big whiff every time I breathed. “Hands-on the floor” he commanded. He moved his feet from my head to my hands. “Kiss them and make the stink goes away using only your fag tongue.” “Yes sir.”
“What ya lifting now?” His dad asks as he fidgets on the commode seat. He can feel his hard-on growing in his pants. “I think all of us were sprouting wood, today, dad.” He says. “Coach even noticed how hard we all were.”
His dad’s cock does not curve like that of his son, it angles like a fishing rod looking for fish under rushing river waters, from the deep furry patch between the father’s legs. “Then, what is this, father.” He says as he wrestles his cock in a fierce grip and squeezes it like he is fighting against a serpent unleashed from its coil.
He lifts his head from its bowed stance and looks into the eyes of his father wanting some acknowledgement. “Then show me, father. Show me what it means, TO BE A MAN?” He says with an excitement building in his voice.
Exactly a week after, daddy texted me with a different tone saying, “ get your ass ready tonight cause daddy is coming to your place tonight.” He was usually really sweet and nice, I was shot when I got the message. But automatically I said, “ yes daddy!” I guess I am a slutty whore for him right at the beginning as I knew my place where is always going to be inferior. He dries himself but his throbbing cock continues to pulse as it grows harder because of his youth. The sensation intensifies. The feeling is wonderful. He can hear his cock throbbing in his ears.
“Pick it up and smell the crotch.” His dad says. “Thinkin’ ‘bout it.” He answers. “I want to show the world that I am a man, like you. Father.”
“See this; see this. “His father says. “This is where power comes from.” His bare ass melts to the lid of the toilet bowl. He sweats from the steam and the exertions from his continued pounding of the fierceness of his cock. He wiggles as his ass opens, squeaking on the plastic surface of the thrown lid, as he takes whiffs from the cum soaked pouch of the jock that covers his face.
“You guys jerk off together, these days?” His dad asks, “Back when I was in high school me and several of my friends would jerk-off in our trucks in the parking lot. We were so horny we could barely sit in our seats. You ever do that Garrett?” “You are grown. Yes. Physically. Yes, my son. But a full man. No! No!” His father, says, sharply. “You have much more to grow, to mature, before you are a man, before you can call yourself. A man.”
His father loosens his grip on the full balls of his son as he stands. He can see the spurts of hair that dot the chest of his son. And he can see the heaving and gentle rise and fall of his son’s chest, as he breathes, as his excitement builds. Exactly a week after, daddy texted me with a different tone saying, “ get your ass ready tonight cause daddy is coming to your place tonight.” He was usually really sweet and nice, I was shot when I got the message. But automatically I said, “ yes daddy!” I guess I am a slutty whore for him right at the beginning as I knew my place where is always going to be inferior.
He is unfazed by the presence of his dad despite his nakedness inside the hot spray of the shower. “I think all of us were sprouting wood, today, dad.” He says. “Coach even noticed how hard we all were.”
“I ain’t a-talking ‘bout how big ya cock is, boy. I am talking ‘bout ya, weight. Your height.” His dad says. “I kinda figured on how big you are down there. That’s obvious. It makes me proud of you. My son. Of what I created, along with ya mother.” “That your jockstrap on the floor next to you, son?” His dad asks.
The pre-cum leaks, like a babbling brook, from the boy’s erect and pulsing cock, depositing its tiny droplets of juice onto the arm-hairs of his proud father. His father squeezes the nuts of his son, tighter and tighter, releasing more of the youthful essence. Garrett resumes the fondling of his cock while he takes long drawn-out whiffs from his sweat, piss and cum stained jockstrap.
“I think all of us were sprouting wood, today, dad.” He says. “Coach even noticed how hard we all were.” porno dla dzieci “Thinkin’ ‘bout it.” He answers. “I want to show the world that I am a man, like you. Father.”
“That’s it! That’s it! That’s it!” His father bellows. https://arturzasada.pl/ – porn sex “Yeah.” He answers his dad. “…and I was ‘going commando’ too.”
His father steps into the shower, turning on the water. As he soaks and lathers himself up under the lukewarm stream of water, he fondles his cock and balls. His cock soon mimics that of his son. https://arturzasada.pl/ – dzieciД™ce porno “Have you fucked, son? Have you fucked? Have you dumped that seed of yours in those balls into a moist hole?” His father asks as he leans forward on the commode-chair. His hand squeezing the bulge growing larger in his tan khakis.
“I thought you usually showered after practice. In the locker room.” His dad asks as he walks into the open door of the bathroom. sex porn mom Garrett nods his head as he wraps the jock over his head, and takes a hearty breathe of the pouch placed over his nose.
“I managed to lift nearly two hundred today. I believe.” He explains. “But I strained a lot to do it. I was moaning. Groaning.” https://arturzasada.pl/ – porno dla dzieci “You know what you have to do. Doncha. Son.” His dad says.
“That’s it! That’s it! That’s it!” His father bellows. https://arturzasada.pl/ – porn sex “That’s it! That’s it! That’s it!” His father bellows.
“That you are, son. You are busting at the seams with your youth and muscles. Rippled from those vigorous physical workouts and stroking sessions. I bet.” His dad says. “You are gonna hafta to take care of that or you are gonna be miserable. You know that son, doncha. You know, I am right.” gay sex porn “You know what you have to do. Doncha. Son.” His dad says.
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